November 24

A winning mindset or safe mindset


I was asked recently how to overcome or get started on a goal setting path and have I always had an entrepreneurial mind set.  My answer to the mind set question is a resounding NO!

The reason for this is many (don’t worry I will be brief).  The first thing that hindered me is that I never saw myself as an entrepreneur.  Since I saw myself only as an employee working up the ranks that is exactly what I became.  During the course of this employment journey, I wasn’t engaged in what I was doing.  The concept of security kept me at this position for almost 10 years even though I wasn’t happy.  The concept of self employment was too risky I had judged.  Fear and my own internal conversation were the biggest hinderance to my doing anything else.  Unfortuantely for me as it is for most, I didn’t make a change until I was just absolutely miserable and had had enough.  At that point I finally left and began working with a firm where I was more aligned with who I wanted to be and that allowed me the freedom to create and discover myself.  This has led me where I am today.

This leads me to my question to you which is, what are you doing to create and cultivate a mindset that doesn’t hold you back from doing what you want to do?  Have you ever thought about the conversations that you have in your mind on a day to day basis that are holding you back?

I would like to devote more time to the role that goals play in this in an upcoming post.  I will also be talking about a winning system for creating and cultivating a winning mindset.

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  1. Wow, ten years? I’m going on 7 years of working in a “good enough” job. They’ve been jobs I’ve more or less liked, but haven’t been my Soul Purpose, that’s for sure. Just recently, things have started to change…slowly, but noticeably. But I don’t think I quite have the mindset right to keep it coming. I’m afraid I’ll fail.

    I am very much looking forward to your posts on cultivating a winning mindset. đŸ™‚

  2. Hmmm… I’ve always seen you as a very focused individual. When you want something you go after it. I guess during those 10 years, you just didn’t know what it was you really wanted?

    Anyway, def. sounds like you found your SOUL Purpose to me. Do your thing man! I’m interested to see where this leads you.

  3. @Jillyan- What are you afraid of? Is the conversation in your head about not being able to maintain the right mindset the right conversation to have?

    @Duane- Focused is correct but focused on the wrong things. I focused on staying for 10 years because my ego wouldn’t allow me to see it for what it was. The main thing is understanding when your ego is getting in your way.

  4. Amen to that! The lure of security a typical “job” offers is nothing more than flaxen cord, in my opinion. I’ve had more than 30 jobs and started 4 companies, yet in not one instance was I acting from a position of Soul Purpose…it was strictly to make money, make ends meet, etc. I too have learned from first hand experience the frustration that comes from performing labor day in and day out that is not in alignment with my true passions and interests. Since leaving the predictability and security of my day job less than three months ago I have been able to open up my mind to new possibilities. There is no going back to the dead end 40+ year 9 to 5 plan for me. I am ready to live life to the fullest NOW. It is challenging to shift an ingrained mindset, but the journey is rewarding. I’m excited to take the steps necessary to discover my Soul Purpose and pursue it with passion! I greatly appreciate the work that you do Brandon, along with your G^2 business partners. I look forward to meeting you guys along the journey.

  5. Munro,
    Thanks for sharing your story. I love that you are setting out this journey. Good luck and let me know if I can be of any assistance.


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