Complimentary Assessments

To Know Thyself & Build Empowered Teams

At New Work Revolution, we are committed to helping you build truly empowered teams. One tool in the bag that we call on and explore with are is the assessment. These come in a range of types and complexities - and frankly, none are perfect. There is no "one-size-fits-all" option here. We get tremendous value out of taking several and adding each as an additional data point in understanding who each member of a team is as well as who we are. Getting to know yourself is just as critical as understanding others on your team.  

We love working with companies to help them take these assessments, understand their results and apply them for truly impactful and effective change - building those dreamy empowered teams we're always blabbing on about.  Right now, we are offering many of our assessments to you as a business leader to try out for yourself!  

These are full-tilt assessments (not watered-down) with several including a robust outcomes report.  There is no obligation to take these for yourself, just enjoy the ride and let us know if you'd like to dive deeper with your team.  

16-Types Assessment

The 16 Types assessment is based on Carl Jung's Theory of Psychological Types. There are no right or wrong types or styles and this assessment is intended to be a way to think about your behaviors and how they might be perceived by others.

DiSC Assessment

The DiSC assessment measures how one responds to favorable and unfavorable environments. It is centered around behavioral tendencies and can be very easily applied in the work setting. 


The Enneagram has been described as a GPS of wisdom and a tool for compassion. The Enneagram can improve interpersonal skills and communication and is also used as a personal growth tool to better understand yourself and others in your life. 

Motivating Values Assessment

Developed to assist executives, general managers, sales managers, and others in their understanding and application of the motivational force of their personal values for productive results.

The Culture Pulse Assessment

The Culture Pulse assessment measures values, norms, beliefs, and behavior, and demonstrates how culture controls the way employees behave amongst themselves as well as with people outside the organization.

VIA Strengths Assessment

The VIA assessment identifies 24 character strengths which are capacities or possibilities within us for thinking, feeling, and behaving in ways that can bring benefits to ourselves and others.

Are you looking to skip the learning curve and find exactly what you need to build the business of your dreams?

Lets schedule a chat and find out if we can help pour fuel on your fire! (or at least help you start the fire in the first place...)

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