November 2

Shifting from Thoughtful Giver to Thought Leader- Interview with Michael Roderick


What I love about most business owners is how giving they are. There is another group of business owners, however, who tend to be more me-centered and are eager to tell you how great you are. For the business owners on the giving side, it’s hard to engage in thought leadership and sharing of ideas. It feels to self- promotional.

This week I talk with master connector and messager, Michael Roderick. I have been in a mastermind with Michael for the past few months and have been so impressed with his insight into messaging and connecting. So I asked him to be on the podcast because I know many of you, want to grow in this area as well.

Michael and I dive into his approach for overcoming the reluctance to do thought leadership as well as how to communicate more effectively with your tribe.

Enjoy the interview and let me know what your biggest insight was from today’s show.

To learn more about Michael, check out his website at: and take his referrability assessment:

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