Rugged individualism is a serious condition that affects many business owners.  Symptoms of this disease include an overwhelming desire to do everything, an destructive viewpoint that leads  business owners to think that only they have the solution, routinely working in activities that aren’t their Soul Purpose and ultimately extreme fatigue and a waning desire to work in their business.  There is a cure for Rugged Individualism.  There is hope.
The key is to gain as much understanding around what your Soul Purpose is and how you best create value in your business. Â Once you know your top activities, it’s a matter of systematically off- loading those tasks to others. Â In the end you will have a Soul Purpose team who are assisting you in bringing your value creation to the masses.
Listen to this week’s podcast for more information on how you can make better delegating decisions and not fall victim to doing it all.
Listen below:
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