The definition of rugged individualism as defined by rugged individualism- noun- individualism in social and economic affairs; belief not only in personal liberty and self-reliance but also in free competition. I have heard that this person still exists out there and have run across him/her several times in the past few years. Is this how you run your business?
The problem with going it on your own is that we don’t know everything there is to know about setting it up and running it on our own. Because of this we are intimidated by the process. Small Business owners move forward every day and try and complete campaigns for web development, online marketing, PPC, all on our own. We tend to work harder and longer on a project as a result. What are some of the reasons that small business owners behave this way?
3 reasons come to mind.
The first is that a select few think they now everything and really can do anything on their own and better than everyone else. I believe this to be a select few. Maybe I am wrong about that.
The second reason is money. Small business owners will happily beat their heads against the wall just to save a buck.
The last reason is trust. You could hire an outside consultant or professional to run a facet of your business but how do I know they will do a good job?
There are several ways to overcome the last point so that you are not wasting much needed capital. Building relationships with individuals in the field you are looking for using social media networks is a great place to start. Twitter makes it easy to link up with people who have a common interest. Also, interviewing past clients of prospective consultants can give you an idea of how the company you are looking to hire operates.
For more information on how to build the right awareness and why hiring experts to assist your business is a faster track to success visit: The article is about listening to trusted advice and where to go to find it.
Growing your business the rugged individualist way is a slow growth model at best. In this day and age it just makes sense to work with someone on the outside that is not attached to your business but that you can build a win/win partnership with and that can fill in the gaps of your business. What has been your experience with working with outside consultants and professionals?
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