November 26

You first


In this week’s podcast I touched on the first area that should be worked on to be at the top of your game when it comes to building your business platform.  That first thing that needs to be worked on is.  I am not asking you to be more selfish but I am asking that you work more in your self interest.

This first hit home for me when I ran across on exerpt from Jeffrey Gitomer’s book The Little Red Book of Sales.  In that book he talked about being the best you can be for yourself so that you can be the best you can be for other people.  This resonated with me as I looked at areas where I wasn’t taking care of myself physically and mentally but I was going 100 miles an hour working towards success in my job because I mistakenly thought that everything else would work itself out.

Proper perspective is an underrated area in our lives.  I like to joke a lot about this when people say, “I can’t get that done or that’s not going to work”, the response I always give is “not with that attitude”.  The comment is always good for a chuckle to the person it’s directed at.  The funnier thing about it is that I am not joking.

I share a story on this week’s podcast about perspective.  You can also read about it here:

So listen to this week’s show and I challenge everyone reading this to implement the tools that I discuss and be the best person that you can be.

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  1. Brandon, very well put. I think this is one of those things you learn about yourself as you strive to help others. You don’t really understand self interest until you look at other peoples interests.

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