Ask any small business owner with their primary concern is for their business and they will typically say marketing. Setting up our business is easy. Getting people to engage in our services and buy from us is another story.
Because of the marketing needs to that small business owners have, my business partners and I have come up with a blog contest that we started last Wednesday to address the marketing needs of small business.
You can view the contest details at:
In the spirit of small business marketing, today I wanted to post my top 5 posts on marketing.
1. So You’re Launching a Product? Now What? Part 2
2. More Media Tools To Build Your Business Platform for the Bootstrapper
3. The Best Business Marketers Are Online Experts
4. Easy, Affordable Online Marketing
5. When Asking Isn’t Enough… Observe Customer Behavior
There are some great marketing tips in the above posts that I have been fortunate to learn from people over the years so enjoy and if you want free marketing help for your business, check out the above link and get your name in for the contest.